Frequently Asked Questions > What You Need to Know > How do I receive or request for a Certificate of Attendance?

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Certificate of Attendances are issued at the end of workshop and handed to attendants on-site after the facilitator collects the completed course evaluations.

For virtual participants, please complete a course evaluation and the course quiz online. Step by step instructions are provided on the Receive Certificate of Attendance page. If you opt out taking the web Course Quizzes, then after completing the quiz on a downloaded form, you will submit the quiz by copying and pasting the quiz questions and answers into the message box under Contact Us.

At the end of a course quiz, you will be directed to provide your full name spelled exactly you wish to appear on the Certificate of Attendance. You wil also be asked to provide your mailing address or email address where you prefer the Certificate of Attendance be delivered. Please provide one address for your most preferred method of delivery. A request for each additional Certificate of Attendance delivered either via email or U.S. postal mail requires an $18 process fee. 

Afer receiving your Certificate of Attendance, please keep a digital and/or a hard copy. A request for a duplicated Certificate of Attendance will require an $18 process fee, regardless of the perferred method of delivery.